Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's been a day

I truly can't stand standardized testing. First of all, as a teacher, I know not every child can and should adhere to a certain set of standards. That's part of the reason I don't like No Child Left Behind. NCLB implies that every person is capable of achieving the same level of success. If that was so, then everyone would be a CEO or a multi-millionaire. Anyway, today we started the May administration of PASS. Then, after testing was completed it felt like all hell had broken loose. We caught kids cutting class....and nothing was done. They thought they could do anything and get away with it, and thanks to those that are slightly higher than I am in the school, they pretty much could today. Not all people were letting them get away with cutting class, breaking tables in half, etc....but it only takes one or two people turning a blind eye to convince the kids they can do whatever they want. It also sucked that testing ran so long. My last kid was done at 10:10....we were not released from testing until 11:40...you try having 23 kids who don't want to be in your room quiet for a further 90 min after testing is complete. It doesn't work. I should be grateful I have a job, and I shouldn't complain, but this is my venting outlet...so if anyone reads this, sorry.

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