Saturday, June 19, 2010

Angel Food Ministries

I've just heard about this new way to grocery shop:

I think I'm going to try it out! Not only does it provide affordable food to those in need, but a friend of mine said that the quality can't compare! Check it out!

Friday, June 4, 2010

It's been a while...

So, I'm back! I think the title of this post says it all---I've been pretty darn busy, what with work and work and, well, work...

To sum things up:
1. I am transferring to a new school. At first I was very suprised and very upset, but now I am SUPER excited. I really like the school's administration and the opportunites that this journey will present me with.

2. The school year is winding down...March-June means state writing test, winding up trying to cram everything in that I haven't had time to cover, more state tests, and the end of the school year. I think that's enough said about that.

Anyway, there's more going on in my life, but none that interesting. I'll try and post again ASAP, even though I know no one reads this thing!